Category Archives: Custom Apparel Omaha

Branded Apparel from Omaha Promos

Branded apparel. This is the bread and butter of Omaha Promos, the sweet spot if you will in what we do to help companies and non-profits increase their brand awareness and exposure in the marketplace. Amid a sea of promotional products suppliers and purveyors of custom clothing, branded apparel, uniforms and logo items, how do…
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Promotional Products as Advertising Medium

Consumers are inundated with advertising messages and the challenge for businesses and non-profits alike is to identify a way to cut through the clutter and not only reach their target audience, but reach them with a message that resonates. So what if we told you promotional products offer a greater recall rate than just about…
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Custom Golf Products from Omaha Promos

When it comes to customized golf products, nobody knows the game better than Omaha Promos. And with spring literally right around the corner, tee times, tournaments and scrambles are just about to fire off. So pull up a chair and let's run through some of the surefire winners when it comes to your golf promotion…
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T-Shirt Fashion Status by Omaha Promos

Time to talk tees! As in t-shirts! With so many ways for companies to increase brand awareness through promotional products and promotional marketing, the idea of custom apparel may not have crossed your mind, but we at Omaha Promos believe (based on real world experience) that the ubiquitous t-shirt is one of the best promotions…
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