Category Archives: Promotional Products Omaha

Promotional Product Trends for 2021

The year 2020 will go down in history as a difficult one for most of us and an extraordinarily tough year for others. COVID-19 has, in one way or another, impacted all of us - personally, professionally and emotionally. It's our fervent prayer here at Omaha Promos that the damage the virus has done to you…
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Custom T-Shirts from Team Omaha Promos

So it's mid-February and here in the Midwest we're enjoying balmy subzero ambient air temperatures - don't even ask us what temps are with wind chill! While talking about custom t-shirts might seem crazy given the fact we're still locked into the freezing-cold grip of Winter 2020-2021, spring is right around the corner and now…
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Swag Marketing Strategies for 2021

Can any of our readers say they remember a newspaper ad, web advertisement or radio ad from a year ago? How about six months ago? How about even five minutes ago? Now compare that to promotional products which have remarkable longevity in terms of making an impression on those people who see them or use…
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What can Omaha Promos do for you in 2021

Happy New Year from Omaha Promos! 2020 was tumultuous to say the least. Every American felt the effects of the pandemic, the lock downs and the political fallout that ensued. None of this means 2021 can't be a safer and more productive year in business, however. And remember, you can never stop branding! We anticipate…
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