How to Support Small Business during Coronavirus

OMP_Denise_Omaha-e1461815444110We here at OMAHA PROMOS, LLC continue to serve our clients despite the daunting coronavirus environment we find ourselves in. We are doing everything we can to support local companies and small businesses in this time of unprecedented crisis for our country. Here are some ideas to consider if you have the means and desire to help keep the real engine of America - US small business - up and running!

Buy a gift card!
Businesses need some cash flow, and an easy way to help them out is to buy gift cards now to use later down the road. Lots of small businesses are offering gift card specials too, so it's a perfect time to stretch your dollar. Coffee shops, restaurants, hair salons, gyms and bookstores are all awesome candidates for your gift card dollars.

Get delivery!
Due to directed health mandates and government mandated closures, Omaha bars and restaurants are pretty much shuttered for in-person dining, but luckily for we foodies, most restaurants and shops have stepped up options like delivery or curbside pickup so you can still support local without significant risk of contracting the virus or passing it to others. If you can afford it, commit to ordering take-out a few days a week.

Tip well!
If you are ordering take-out from your favorite BBQ, pizza or burger joint, how about tipping the restaurant when you call your order in and throwing a little cash at your delivery driver when they show up at your house? After all, these people are exposing themselves to make and deliver food for you, show them your support and appreciation.

Pay your staff and pay your bills!
There is unprecedented support for small business through the SBA right now. The first day Paycheck Protection Plan or PPP went into effect after President Trump signed the bill saw small businesses across America receive a staggering $628M in support. We need to keep employees on the payroll, they deserve the support if we can provide it, they weren't furloughed through any fault of their own. Do all you can to keep your workers afloat, and don't stop paying your invoices to other vendors and small businesses that depend on it!

Give small businesses a boost on Google and Yelp!
Take some time to give positive reviews to your friends and peers in your industry and beyond. While you’re at it, follow all your favorite businesses online and share their social media posts if you can. We are all going to come out of this in due time, let's support one another in the ways we can now. Best thing about this suggestion is, NO COST!


Make phone calls! Say thanks!
We are all pretty stressed right now, some of us more so than others. Since we all have a extra time on our hands (thanks coronavirus!), maybe now is the time to make those phone calls to friends, family and business people you're in relationship with and tell them you're thinking about them. Express your empathy for their situation, offer your prayers and support in whatever way you can.

Omaha Promos is your one stop shop for all things custom apparel, promotional products and promo items, client appreciation gifts, employee incentive awards, renewable promotions and more. If you can put a logo on it, Omaha Promos can do it. Please support your small, family owned custom clothing and branded merchandise companies like Omaha Promos!

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