Tag Archives: custom shirts omaha

What 88 Years of Family looks Like

Question: How many companies can you name that are nearly 90 years old and have been owned and operated by the same family the entire time? I can think of one, ours.  Here's a glimpse of our company history. For 2011, Omaha Promos, LLC celebrates two milestones in our evolution: (1) our 88th year in business…
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Our German Daughter: Love 5,500 miles Away

[caption id="attachment_63" align="alignright" width="300"] Clockwise from front: Gracie, Denise, Jeff, Nadine (Our German Daughter)[/caption] Denise and I were never blessed with biological children, but that hasn't stopped us from mentoring and loving kids in various ways. Aside from being my handicapped little brother Mike's legal guardian until his passing in August, I've not experienced a…
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